Wednesday, June 19, 2013

All Work....When I can I Play?

There's a Party Saturday? Aw I Have to Study! 

College is all about getting that quality education. REMEMBER SCHOOL IS ALWAYS FIRST. 

But that doesn't mean you should neglect the fun aspect of school.  Remember this the time to have a good time and get out and meet people.

HOWEVER, remember you need to be smart. Just because Mommy and Daddy aren't around to say come in the house doesn't mean you SHOULD come strolling in the dorm at 8 AM smelling like beer and shame.

Of course parties are essential and a huge part of the college lifestyle. But stay classy. Don't let freedom change the way you operate.  At every party ask yourself, "Will I be okay with this decision when I wake up tomorrow?" If the answer is no Keep it moving.

Now there is always nights where we "throw caution to the wind" BUT that should not be every night. Don't do the opposite either though.  Don't just spend your life in your room while everyone else on campus is living it up.

There are some weekends where I don't mind getting some homework done, or just watching movies with my roommates or something. But I also have those weekends where I go out and enjoy my youth.

OH and for my 21+ friends out there it's okay to play 'sober sister' sometimes. Good Time does not mean Get Drunk. And when it starts too maybe you should take a break.


Homework for the Week:  Expand your horizons. Talk to some people you don't usually talk too and get to know some new people. Not only will you see a change in yourself but you'll make some amazing memories!

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